I can't believe ten years has come and gone. Well actually May 2nd is the day but to celebrate we went to Gulf Shores for a week of rest, relaxation and a little business. Zac had a turf conference on the second day.
We went deep sea fishing for my first time....tons of fun! And yes, I caught a fish.. Red Snapper and Trigger Fish. Zac caught a few too. He was playing camera man so we didn't get his fish on tape.

Here I am with Trey our fun deckhand. Zac baited my hook and Trey took off the fish. I don't eat them so you know I'm not going to touch them.

Poor Zac. He really caught several but I couldn't balance a camera and those huge fishing poles. I hate we didn't get it on film for Walker.
Here's Mary Ella with her new walker

This is about the only picture I got of Easter.
Their baskets...

Walker's program at preschool Good 'Ole Noah... He was a monkey! He's the one in the middle dancing like a monkey!
Nanny and Daddy Ralph came to see him.