There was plenty of reason for cheer and congratulations... Before the hard core 6 week period of chemo and treatments, Will and Emily was told by the doctors that if all the "Hot spots" were not changed, there wouldn't be anything else they could do for him. This was a blow seeing it was coming from the mouths of some of the best doctors in the world! But thankfully, with all the prayers and treatments, the 6 week scan was done and PRAISE THE LORD, the spots had shrunk to half their size!!!!
Now Will and Emily will go back to Houston for another 6 week period of treatments before another scan is done. Of course the prayers needed in this time will be important and most definitely needed by all. Please pray that God will rid this terrible disease from his body and help him to get his normal, healthy life back. For all those who knows Will know he is the picture of health. Zac was thinking back of some stories as they grew up... "One of my fondest memories," he says, "of the Iron Man is when we would go to McDonald's as kids. I would order a cheeseburger, fries, coke... and he would order the healthiest thing he could find on the menu and a water. That was Will then and that is Will now."
It's really hard to understand how someone so healthy can end up in this terrible situation. But since the good news from this last week, it's easy to understand why the cancer has shrunk to half its size. It's healthy Will! He can do this. So please keep up your prayers and I will keep you posted on his progress.
Keep updated with the latest on the WillPower website...