Monday, July 27, 2009

What's Cancer To A Giant?

God is great! He has answered many prayers to help Will Haney with his fight against cancer. Earlier this year he was diagnosed with a rare cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. The news wasn't good so he and his family luckily made their way to M.D. Anderson in Houston, TX. Along with the help of these wonderful doctors, a whole town of people praying, and above all an amazing God, Will was able to come home for a week to visit and take a break from the chemo. He and Emily were surprised at the airport Friday night by all their friends and family as they walked through the gate. I can't even express the emotions that were flying all around. It was a very special moment that I'll never forget.

There was plenty of reason for cheer and congratulations... Before the hard core 6 week period of chemo and treatments, Will and Emily was told by the doctors that if all the "Hot spots" were not changed, there wouldn't be anything else they could do for him. This was a blow seeing it was coming from the mouths of some of the best doctors in the world! But thankfully, with all the prayers and treatments, the 6 week scan was done and PRAISE THE LORD, the spots had shrunk to half their size!!!!

Now Will and Emily will go back to Houston for another 6 week period of treatments before another scan is done. Of course the prayers needed in this time will be important and most definitely needed by all. Please pray that God will rid this terrible disease from his body and help him to get his normal, healthy life back. For all those who knows Will know he is the picture of health. Zac was thinking back of some stories as they grew up... "One of my fondest memories," he says, "of the Iron Man is when we would go to McDonald's as kids. I would order a cheeseburger, fries, coke... and he would order the healthiest thing he could find on the menu and a water. That was Will then and that is Will now."

It's really hard to understand how someone so healthy can end up in this terrible situation. But since the good news from this last week, it's easy to understand why the cancer has shrunk to half its size. It's healthy Will! He can do this. So please keep up your prayers and I will keep you posted on his progress.

Keep updated with the latest on the WillPower website...

We all love you Will and Emily!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Will and Jen's Wedding

Will and Jen had a lovely wedding at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. The weather was great and the scenery was beautiful. Walker had so much fun with his cousins. I was so happy to see the Gardens still had the Big Bug collection displayed.

Walker and Will

Walker and Peyton

Walker and Kyle with the BIG ANT

PaPa and Granny with all the kids...
I never can get one with them all looking at the camera. Maybe Brandy did.

Walker was checking out the fish and suddenly thought he should have his picture taken. This was all him. He was into saying "cheese" which shows he was having a good time.

Everyone walking to the wedding site in the gardens...

Someone at the gardens was thinking...

Jen walking in with her dad...

Will and Jen arriving at the Phoenix Bistro. Beautiful!

Hit of the night for the kids (and their parents), the entertainment table! Jen's mom had a table set up for the kids to draw and color and a table set up for dinner. They would take a few bites at their dinner table and then go draw for a couple of minutes at the other table. They had a blast.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Goodbye to the Protector

Our sweet Hank is with us no more. He was the protector of the sheep, William's buddy, Walker's playmate, and family friend. Unfortunately his amazing ability to escape the field for a midnight stroll would end his time with us. It was just two days before this tragic event that Zac and Walker were in the field with Hank mending the fence where he recently climbed over, rather than under. He was a very large dog, almost polar bearish looking, so we found this odd. But he was a determined dog and a good one at that. We will miss him very much!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

McFarland Park- July 4th & Thomas the Train- July 7th

This 4th of July we decided to go over to Florence to watch their fireworks show at McFarland Park. We thought we'd make a week end out of it and get a hotel room. HA! Boy did we wait till the last minute to make that decision (literally Friday morning). All the good hotels were booked solid so we made the decision to stay in the Jamison Inn (it was the only one we would even consider that had a room left) but later found out we would have to put it on our "not to be considered" list. Anyway while there we went for a quick dip in the pool. Zac began to chuckle as he read the pool rules aloud...
Please read rule # 7

This was especially funny to me since I found two long hairs in our supposed to be clean bath tub! Gross! I noticed Walker's feet were black after a quick run through the room. I was very upset at this point and made him stay on the bed the whole week end. If not, I was cleaning feet constantly. Zac thought I was going overboard on that until he looked at his feet after putting together a stroller (we left ours at home so we had to fly over to Target to buy one). They were BLACK!!! HA! He went straight to the front desk and showed them his feet. We probably laughed a good 30 minutes from that. He said, "Man, I'm not complaining, but in the time it took me to put together a stroller, this is how black my feet got. Ya'll need to clean the floors." The man's face was so red and he apologized. LOL!

We spent the whole day at the park. There were several things to do, like look at old cars...

After toting Walker around in the blazing sun, that's when we decided to go to the nasty hotel, let Walker take a nap, and get a stroller!

Finally, after waiting all day, the fireworks lasted, hmm, a measly 10 minutes, maybe.

But Walker LOVED them! He watched and smiled as each one burst in the night sky.
We had a good time, but have decided next year we will move on to Guntersville to see that fireworks display. Who knows... maybe I can talk Zac in to going somewhere new every year, even to see Macy's fireworks. HA! Yea right.
And finally... Thomas the Train! We went to the Von Braun to see the show and Walker loved it. Here are a few of the pictures from the show. I thought I shouldn't bore you with all the ones I took. Enjoy!