Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's 100% Girl!

I had my ultrasound again this week and thankfully, it is what we thought it was... a healthy girl. She gave us a perfect peek this time. Wow! Cute dresses, bows, and shoes, here I come!!! Walker definitely knows there is a baby in mommy's belly and often gives her a kiss. I've watched a few episodes of A Baby Story on TLC so he has seen a few births LOL. Based on several of my friends advise I need to get him ready as much as possible. I talk about her all the time like she is already a part of our family so maybe I can lessen the shock for him. No matter how hard I prepare him I feel he will still be a little jealous. He only wants his mommy when it's time to be comforted.
Today I am taking Walker to his first dentist appointment. It's a wonderful pediatric dentist and I've heard it's like Disney World. LOL. I am going to try to take some pictures while there but we'll see. I think I'm more nervous for his appointment than I've ever been for one of mine.

A little potty training update: My plans were to have him trained and out of diapers by the end of my summer break. So far, we are making some head way but I feel like we need to do better if I'm going to accomplish this goal. We have a sticker chart and a treat jar for rewards. Honestly, it's not that important to him. Sometimes if he wants a piece of candy he'll drop his pants and run into his bathroom to sit on the potty. Then I hear, "Mommy, I need a treat!" So that shows you he understands the process, but why doesn't he want to do it everytime? Any ideas out there? I'm open to anything. In my next post, I'll try to add pictures.

1 comment:

Ashley Turnbull said...

Hey Leigh Ann! Congratulations on the girl - I am just a few days from delivering this baby girl - so exciting. And yes, CLOTHES galore!!! Oh my soul...I have gotten the cutest things known to the baby world! Keep the updates coming!