The yard of Maycell Smith, AKA "Nanny", can not go unmentioned this time of year. I love to walk around her yard in the spring. It is absolutely gorgeous. Over the past year, I have learned that she loves Irises. She not only collects them, she also trades them and hunts for special kinds. I can't begin to name all the different types. I had to show her yard off since in a couple of weeks the color will all be gone. Walker especially loves staying at Nanny and Daddy Ralph's in the spring. He gets to enjoy the outside while they work in the flower beds.
Oh... and they've added a sand box. I need to get a picture of that too. Walker has had tons of fun playing with that but I think the discovery of worms has made it all worth the while. Yes, I said WORMS! This child will play with them all day. He thinks they are funny. Maycell said he puts them in his bucket and totes it around all day. HA!
WALKER UPDATE: I found out some awesome and exciting news yesterday. Walker has been tee-teeing in the potty. Yeah! He even did it for me today. He gets so excited when he does it. Now if we can get him to do that all the time.