Friday, April 18, 2008

Too Early?

We're trying something new. We've converted Walker's crib into the toddler bed. It's sad but we thought he would like to be able to get out and come to our room, verses screaming waiting for us to come to him. After church Sunday and while Walker was taking his nap, Zac and I got to work. I wish I could have filmed Walker when he walked into his room. It was Christmas morning all over. For the next thirty minutes, he jumped in and out of that bed. This made me think, okay, this might work. See... we are trying to get him to want to stay in his room after he wakes up in the middle of the night. My hopes were stamped out that night when we awoke to the sound of a loud thud! I'll let you figure out what that sound was. Our main idea for transitioning into a toddler bed comes from friends who say they go into the room, crawl into bed and stay until they go back asleep. After a while they get use to staying in their bed. Well, this can't happen when the mattress is "crib size." Maybe it was a bad idea to get a convertible crib. I think we should just go get a twin size toddler bed... at least something Zac and I could fit in! I'll keep you posted on this on going project...


L-Style said...

Wow...big boy bed time already? My lil' one still sleeps in the bed with us.

Anonymous said...

You are really creating sleep issues with your children. Sleeping in bed with your children and sleeping the their beds with them until they fall asleep teaches them that they do not need to learn to fall asleep on their own and creates a multitude of sleep issues. Being a parent can be exhausting, but does not mean that you just take the easiest route possible, rather than teaching them.